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Speed Paintings

Big Easy - Jansky Performance

Casablanca - Jansky Performance

Yoda - Jansky Performance

Abraham Lincoln - Jansky Performance

Chief Illiniwek - Jansky Performance

Dick Van Dyke - Jansky Performance

Chief Blackhawk - Jansky Performance

Hanson Brothers - Jansky Performance

Daryl Dixon - Jansky Performance

Caterpillar - Jansky Performance

Marilyn Monroe 2 - Jansky Performance

Michael Jackson - Jansky Performance

Miley Cyrus - Jansky Performance

Blues Brothers - Jansky Performance

Marilyn Monroe - Jansky Performance

Elvis - Jansky Performance

Axl Rose - Jansky Performance

Beiber - Jansky Performance

Jim McMahon - Jansky Performance

Babe Ruth - Jansky Performance

David Copperfield - Jansky Performance

Pete Rose - Jansky Performance

Ebert - Jansky Performance

Eminem - Jansky Performance

Gene Simmons - Jansky Performance

Jimi 1 - Jansky Performance

Jimi 2 - Jansky Performance

Kyle Gass - Jansky Performance

Leatherface - Jansky Performance

Rob Zombie - Jansky Performance

Sinatra - Jansky Performance

Slash - Jansky Performance

Steve Jobs - Jansky Performance

Uncle Si - Jansky Performance

Jay Bennett - Jansky Performance

James Jones - Jansky Performance

X-Krush - Jansky Performance

Jesus - Jansky Performance

Bruce Lee - Jansky Performance

Dustins Dojo - Jansky Performance

Andy Dallas - Jansky Performance

Hayley Lockwood - Jansky Performance

Frankensteins - Jansky Performance

Soldier - Jansky Performance
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